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he increased his speed

  • 1 increase

    1. in'kri:s verb
    (to (cause to) grow in size, number etc: The number of children in this school has increased greatly in recent years.) aumentar

    2. 'inkri:s noun
    ((the amount, number etc added by) growth: There has been some increase in business; The increase in the population over the last ten years was 40,000.) aumento
    - on the increase
    increase1 n subida / aumento
    increase2 vb subir / aumentar
    tr[ (n) 'ɪnkriːs; (vb) ɪn'kriːs]
    1 (gen) aumento, incremento; (in price, temperature) subida, alza
    an increase of 10% on last year un aumento del 10% respecto al año pasado
    1 (gen) aumentar; (temperature) subir
    1 (gen) aumentar, incrementar; (price) aumentar, subir; (temperature) subir
    to be on the increase ir en aumento, ir en alza
    increase [ɪn'kri:s, 'ɪn.kri:s] v, - creased ; - creasing vi
    grow: aumentar, crecer, subir (dícese de los precios)
    augment: aumentar, acrecentar
    increase ['ɪn.kri:s, ɪn'kri:s] n
    : aumento m, incremento m, subida f (de precios)
    acrecencia s.f.
    acrecentamiento s.m.
    adelantamiento s.m.
    alargamiento s.m.
    alza s.f.
    aumentar s.m.
    aumento s.m.
    crecimiento s.m.
    encarecimiento s.m.
    ganancia s.f.
    incremento s.m.
    medra s.f.
    recargo s.m.
    acrecentar v.
    acrecer v.
    agregar v.
    alargar v.
    aumentar v.
    crecer v.
    desarrollar v.
    engrosar v.
    incrementar (Matemática) v.
    subir v.

    1. ɪn'kriːs
    intransitive verb \<\<number/size\>\> aumentar; \<\<prices\>\> aumentar, subir; \<\<influence/popularity\>\> crecer*, aumentar; \<\<trade/output\>\> aumentar, incrementarse (frml)

    to increase IN something: to increase in size/weight aumentar de tamaño/peso; to increase in number/importance crecer* en número/importancia; to increase in value — aumentar de valor, revalorizarse*

    vt \<\<number/size\>\> aumentar; \<\<prices\>\> aumentar, subir; \<\<trade/output\>\> aumentar, incrementar (frml); \<\<wealth/knowledge\>\> aumentar, acrecentar*

    II 'ɪnkriːs
    noun aumento m, incremento m (frml)

    to be on the increase — estar* en aumento, ir* en aumento

    VI [ɪn'kriːs]
    [number, size, speed, pain] aumentar; [prices, temperature, pressure] subir, aumentar; [wages, salaries, productivity, popularity] aumentar

    to increase in weight/volume/size/value — aumentar de peso/volumen/tamaño/valor

    to increase from 8% to 10% — aumentar de 8 a 10 por ciento

    VT [+ number, size, speed, pain] aumentar; [+ prices, temperature, pressure] subir, aumentar; [+ wages, salaries, taxes, interest rates, productivity] aumentar
    N (gen) aumento m, incremento m ; [of prices] subida f, aumento m

    an increase in size/volume — un aumento de tamaño/volumen

    an increase of £5/10% — un aumento de 5 libras/del 10 por ciento

    to be on the increaseestar or ir en aumento

    * * *

    1. [ɪn'kriːs]
    intransitive verb \<\<number/size\>\> aumentar; \<\<prices\>\> aumentar, subir; \<\<influence/popularity\>\> crecer*, aumentar; \<\<trade/output\>\> aumentar, incrementarse (frml)

    to increase IN something: to increase in size/weight aumentar de tamaño/peso; to increase in number/importance crecer* en número/importancia; to increase in value — aumentar de valor, revalorizarse*

    vt \<\<number/size\>\> aumentar; \<\<prices\>\> aumentar, subir; \<\<trade/output\>\> aumentar, incrementar (frml); \<\<wealth/knowledge\>\> aumentar, acrecentar*

    II ['ɪnkriːs]
    noun aumento m, incremento m (frml)

    to be on the increase — estar* en aumento, ir* en aumento

    English-spanish dictionary > increase

  • 2 increase

    1. वृद्धि करना[होना]
    He increased his speed to overtake the car.

    English-Hindi dictionary > increase

  • 3 increase

    1. intransitive verb
    zunehmen; [Schmerzen:] stärker werden; [Lärm:] größer werden; [Verkäufe, Preise, Nachfrage:] steigen

    increase in weight/size/price — schwerer/größer/teurer werden

    increase in maturity/value/popularity — an Reife/Wert/Popularität (Dat.) gewinnen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (make greater) erhöhen; vermehren [Besitz]
    2) (intensify) verstärken

    increase one's efforts/commitment — sich mehr anstrengen/engagieren

    3. noun
    1) (becoming greater) Zunahme, die (in Gen.); (in measurable amount) Anstieg, der (in Gen.); (deliberately caused) Steigerung, die (in Gen.)

    increase in weight/size — Gewichtszunahme, die/Vergrößerung, die

    increase in popularity — Popularitätsgewinn, der

    be on the increase — [ständig] zunehmen

    2) (by reproduction) Zunahme, die; Zuwachs, der
    3) (amount) Erhöhung, die; (of growth) Zuwachs, der
    * * *
    1. [in'kri:s] verb
    (to (cause to) grow in size, number etc: The number of children in this school has increased greatly in recent years.) zunehmen
    2. ['inkri:s] noun
    ((the amount, number etc added by) growth: There has been some increase in business; The increase in the population over the last ten years was 40,000.) die Zunahme
    - academic.ru/37503/increasingly">increasingly
    - on the increase
    * * *
    I. vi
    prices, taxes, interest rates [an]steigen; pain, troubles, worries stärker werden, zunehmen; in size wachsen
    to \increase dramatically [or drastically] dramatisch [o drastisch] [an]steigen; population, wealth anwachsen
    to \increase tenfold/threefold sich akk verzehnfachen/verdreifachen
    II. vt
    to \increase sth (make more) etw erhöhen; (make stronger) etw verstärken; (make larger) etw vergrößern
    gently \increase the heat die Hitze langsam erhöhen; reserves, finances aufstocken
    III. n
    Anstieg m, Zunahme f, Zuwachs m; (growth) Wachstum nt
    the \increase in the number of unemployed der Anstieg der Arbeitslosenzahlen
    an \increase in production eine Steigerung der Produktion
    \increase in capacity Kapazitätserweiterung f
    \increase in efficiency Effizienzsteigerung f
    \increase in pollution zunehmende Umweltverschmutzung
    \increase in value Wertsteigerung f
    \increase in violence zunehmende Gewalt
    price \increase Preisanstieg m, Teuerung f SCHWEIZ
    tax \increase Steuererhöhung f
    to be on the \increase ansteigen; in numbers [mehr und] [o [immer]] mehr werden; in size [immer] größer werden; in reserves, finances Aufstockung f
    * * *
    1. vi
    zunehmen; (taxes) erhöht werden; (pain also) stärker werden; (amount, number, noise, population also) anwachsen; (possessions, trade, riches also) sich vermehren, (an)wachsen; (pride also, strength) wachsen; (price, sales, demand) steigen; (supply, joy, rage) sich vergrößern, größer werden; (business, institution, town) sich vergrößern, wachsen; (rain, wind) stärker werden

    to increase in volume/weight — umfangreicher/schwerer werden, an Umfang/Gewicht zunehmen

    to increase in breadth/size/number — sich verbreitern/vergrößern/vermehren, breiter/größer/mehr werden

    industrial output increased by 2% last year — die Industrieproduktion wuchs im letzten Jahr um 2%

    2. vt
    vergrößern; rage, sorrow, joy, possessions, riches also vermehren; darkness, noise, love, resentment also, effort verstärken; trade, sales erweitern; numbers, taxes, price, speed, demand, tension erhöhen; chances verbessern

    he increased his efforts —

    then to increase our difficulties — was die Dinge noch schwieriger machte, was unsere Schwierigkeiten noch vergrößerte

    increased demanderhöhte or verstärkte Nachfrage

    his hours were increased to 25 per weekseine Stundenzahl wurde auf 25 Wochenstunden erhöht

    we increased output to... — wir erhöhten den Ausstoß auf...

    they increased her salary by £2,000 to £20,000 a year — sie erhöhten ihr Jahresgehalt um £ 2.000 auf £ 20.000

    3. n
    ['ɪnkriːs] Zunahme f, Erhöhung f, Steigerung f; (in size) Vergrößerung f, Erweiterung f; (in number) Vermehrung f, Zuwachs m, Zunahme f; (in speed, spending) Erhöhung f ( in +gen), Steigerung f ( in +gen); (of business) Erweiterung f, Vergrößerung f; (in sales) Zuwachs m; (in expenses) Vermehrung f ( in +gen), Steigerung f ( in +gen); (of effort etc) Vermehrung f, Steigerung f, Verstärkung f; (of demand) Verstärkung f, Steigen nt; (of work) Mehr nt (of an +dat), Zunahme f; (of violence) Zunahme f, Anwachsen nt; (of salary) Gehaltserhöhung f or -aufbesserung f; (of noise) Zunahme f, Verstärkung f

    an increase in the population of 10% per year — eine jährliche Bevölkerungszunahme or ein jährlicher Bevölkerungszuwachs von 10%

    to get an increase of £5 per week — £ 5 pro Woche mehr bekommen, eine Lohnerhöhung von £ 5 pro Woche bekommen

    increase in valueWertzuwachs m, Wertsteigerung f

    * * *
    increase [ınˈkriːs]
    A v/i
    1. zunehmen, größer werden, (an)wachsen, (an)steigen, sich vergrößern oder vermehren oder erhöhen oder steigern oder verstärken:
    prices have increased die Preise sind gestiegen oder haben angezogen;
    his popularity has increased (by) 2 percent (Br per cent) seine Beliebtheit ist um 2 Prozent gestiegen;
    increase in size (value) an Größe (Wert) zunehmen, größer (wertvoller) werden;
    increase in price im Preis steigen, teurer werden;
    a) Mehrbedarf m,
    b) WIRTSCH verstärkte Nachfrage;
    increased production WIRTSCH Produktionssteigerung f
    2. sich (durch Fortpflanzung) vermehren
    B v/t vergrößern, -stärken, -mehren, erhöhen, steigern, SPORT seine Führung etc ausbauen, WIRTSCH das Kapital aufstocken:
    increase tenfold verzehnfachen;
    increase sb’s salary jemandes Gehalt erhöhen oder aufbessern;
    increase a sentence eine Strafe erhöhen oder verschärfen;
    increase the speed die Geschwindigkeit steigern oder erhöhen oder heraufsetzen;
    increase one’s lead seinen Vorsprung ausdehnen oder ausbauen (to auf akk)
    C s [ˈınkriːs]
    1. Vergrößerung f, -mehrung f, -stärkung f, Zunahme f, (An)Wachsen n, Zuwachs m, Wachstum n, Steigen n, Steigerung f, Erhöhung f:
    increase in the bank rate WIRTSCH Heraufsetzung f oder Erhöhung des Diskontsatzes;
    increase in population Bevölkerungszunahme, -zuwachs;
    increase in purchasing power Kaufkraftzuwachs;
    increase in sales WIRTSCH Absatzsteigerung;
    increase in trade WIRTSCH Aufschwung m des Handels;
    increase in value Wertsteigerung, -zuwachs;
    increase of capital WIRTSCH Kapitalerhöhung;
    increase of a function MATH Zunahme einer Funktion;
    increase of ( oder in) salary Gehaltserhöhung, -aufbesserung f, -zulage f;
    increase twist TECH Progressivdrall m
    2. Vermehrung f (durch Fortpflanzung)
    3. Zuwachs m (eines Betrages), Mehrbetrag m
    incr. abk
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    zunehmen; [Schmerzen:] stärker werden; [Lärm:] größer werden; [Verkäufe, Preise, Nachfrage:] steigen

    increase in weight/size/price — schwerer/größer/teurer werden

    increase in maturity/value/popularity — an Reife/Wert/Popularität (Dat.) gewinnen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (make greater) erhöhen; vermehren [Besitz]
    2) (intensify) verstärken

    increase one's efforts/commitment — sich mehr anstrengen/engagieren

    3. noun
    1) (becoming greater) Zunahme, die (in Gen.); (in measurable amount) Anstieg, der (in Gen.); (deliberately caused) Steigerung, die (in Gen.)

    increase in weight/size — Gewichtszunahme, die/Vergrößerung, die

    increase in popularity — Popularitätsgewinn, der

    be on the increase — [ständig] zunehmen

    2) (by reproduction) Zunahme, die; Zuwachs, der
    3) (amount) Erhöhung, die; (of growth) Zuwachs, der
    * * *
    Anstieg -e m.
    Erhöhung -en f.
    Vermehrung f.
    Wachstum -¨er n.
    Zunahme -n f.
    Zuwachs m. (in) v.
    steigern v.
    vergrößern v.
    vermehren v.
    zunehmen (an) v. v.
    anwachsen v.
    erhöhen v.
    vergrößern v.
    vermehren v.
    wachsen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: wuchs, ist gewachsen)
    zunehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > increase

  • 4 Porter, Charles Talbot

    b. 18 January 1826 Auburn, New York, USA
    d. 1910 USA
    American inventor of a stone dressing machine, an improved centrifugal governor and a high-speed steam engine.
    Porter graduated from Hamilton College, New York, in 1845, read law in his father's office, and in the autumn of 1847 was admitted to the Bar. He practised for six or seven years in Rochester, New York, and then in New York City. He was drawn into engineering when aged about 30, first through a client who claimed to have invented a revolutionary type of engine and offered Porter the rights to it as payment of a debt. Having lent more money, Porter saw neither the man nor the engine again. Porter followed this with a similar experience over a patent for a stone dressing machine, except this time the machine was built. It proved to be a failure, but Porter set about redesigning it and found that it was vastly improved when it ran faster. His improved machine went into production. It was while trying to get the steam engine that drove the stone dressing machine to run more smoothly that he made a discovery that formed the basis for his subsequent work.
    Porter took the ordinary Watt centrifugal governor and increased the speed by a factor of about ten; although he had to reduce the size of the weights, he gained a motion that was powerful. To make the device sufficiently responsive at the right speed, he balanced the centrifugal forces by a counterweight. This prevented the weights flying outwards until the optimum speed was reached, so that the steam valves remained fully open until that point and then the weights reacted more quickly to variations in speed. He took out a patent in 1858, and its importance was quickly recognized. At first he manufactured and sold the governors himself in a specially equipped factory, because this was the only way he felt he could get sufficient accuracy to ensure a perfect action. For marine use, the counterweight was replaced by a spring.
    Higher speed had brought the advantage of smoother running and so he thought that the same principles could be applied to the steam engine itself, but it was to take extensive design modifications over several years before his vision was realized. In the winter of 1860–1, J.F. Allen met Porter and sketched out his idea of a new type of steam inlet valve. Porter saw the potential of this for his high-speed engine and Allen took out patents for it in 1862. The valves were driven by a new valve gear designed by Pius Fink. Porter decided to display his engine at the International Exhibition in London in 1862, but it had to be assembled on site because the parts were finished in America only just in time to be shipped to meet the deadline. Running at 150 rpm, the engine caused a sensation, but as it was non-condensing there were few orders. Porter added condensing apparatus and, after the failure of Ormerod Grierson \& Co., entered into an agreement with Joseph Whitworth to build the engines. Four were exhibited at the 1867 Paris Exposition Universelle, but Whitworth and Porter fell out and in 1868 Porter returned to America.
    Porter established another factory to build his engine in America, but he ran into all sorts of difficulties, both mechanical and financial. Some engines were built, and serious production was started c. 1874, but again there were further problems and Porter had to leave his firm. High-speed engines based on his designs continued to be made until after 1907 by the Southwark Foundry and Machine Company, Philadelphia, so Porter's ideas were proved viable and led to many other high-speed designs.
    1908, Engineering Reminiscences, New York: J. Wiley \& Sons; reprinted 1985, Bradley, Ill.: Lindsay (autobiography; the main source of information about his life).
    Further Reading
    R.L.Hills, 1989, Power from Steam. A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Cambridge University Press (examines his governor and steam engine).
    O.Mayr, 1974, "Yankee practice and engineering theory; Charles T.Porter and the dynamics of the high-speed engine", Technology and Culture 16 (4) (examines his governor and steam engine).

    Biographical history of technology > Porter, Charles Talbot

  • 5 increase

    1. I
    smb.'s family (the population, the number of fishes and insects, etc.) increases семья и т. д. растет /увеличивается/; speed increases скорость увеличивается /нарастает/; danger increases опасность возрастает /усиливается/; his experience increases он накапливает опыт; difficulties increase трудностей становится все больше; the rain (the heat, the snow, the gale, etc.) increases дождь и т. д. усиливается; his interest in languages increases его интерес к языкам возрастает; his efforts increased он удвоил свои усилия
    2. II
    increase in some manner increase gradually (little by little, step by step, steadily, quickly, slightly, more and more, noticeably, alarmingly, etc.) постепенно и т. д. увеличиваться; the number of people living in cities is rapidly increasing число городских жителей быстро растет /возрастает/; trade is steadily increasing торговля неуклонно расширяется, неуклонно ширятся торговые связи; the water is rapidly increasing вода быстро прибывает
    3. III
    increase smth. increase the wages (smb.'s salary, one's income, the taxes, the expenditure, the steel output, the speed, one's vigilance, one's skill, etc.) увеличивать /повышать/ зарплату и т. д., increase the distance увеличивать расстояние; increase smb.'s power (smb.'s influence, the pressure, etc.) усиливать чью-л. власть и т. д.; increase one's расе (the growth, the development, etc.) ускорить шаг и т. д., increase one's wealth умножать свое богатство; increase dominions расширить /увеличивать/ владения; increase one's knowledge углублять /расширить/ свой знания; experience increased his wisdom опыт прибавил ему мудрости; increase one's efforts прилагать больше усилий, удвоить усилия
    4. XI
    be increased the tax on petrol has been increased повысился налог на бензин
    5. XVI
    increase in (by, to, etc.) smth. increase in number (in size, in volume, in power, in wealth, in popularity, in quality, in violence, etc.) увеличиваться в числе и т. д.; increase in price подниматься в цене; the town is fast increasing in population население города быстро растет; increase by 38 per cent (by over 400 items) увеличиваться на тридцать восемь процентов (более, чем на четыреста штук); increase by degrees постепенно увеличиваться; increase from 30 to 50 увеличиваться /возрастать/ с тридцати до пятидесяти; increase to an alarming extent возрасти до угрожающих размеров

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > increase

  • 6 Wood, Henry Alexander Wise

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 1 March 1866 New York, USA
    d. 9 April 1939 USA
    American manufacturer and inventor of printing machinery, including a stereotype casting machine.
    The son of a Congressman and mayor of New York, Wood was educated at Media Academy in Pennsylvania, specializing in scientific subjects. The death of his father in 1881 prevented his going on to college and he went to work at the Campbell Printing and Manufacturing Company, of which he became President in 1896. In the meantime, he had married the daughter of J.L.Brower, the previous head of the company. Later business consolidations brought into being the Wood Newspaper Machine Corporation.
    Wood was responsible for a series of inventions that brought great benefit to the newspaperprinting processes. Most notable was the Autoplate, patented first in 1900 and finally in 1903. This enabled a whole page of newspaper type to be cast in metal at once, saving much time and effort in the forming of stereotypes; this invention earned him the Elliott Cresson gold medal of the Franklin Institute in 1909. Other inventions were the Autoreel, a high-speed press-feeder device, and the Autopaster, which automatically replaced a spent paper roll with a new one in a newspaper press, without the need to stop the press. Wood's improved presses and inventions increased the speed of newspaper production from 24,000 to 60,000 copies per hour, printed and folded.
    He was also much interested in aviation and was an early member of the Aero Club of America, becoming its Vice-President for six years. He helped to found the magazine Flying and was its Editor from 1911 to 1919. He had predicted the part played by aircraft and submarines during the Second World War and was invited to join a panel of consulting inventors and engineers to assist the development of the US Navy. He was soon at odds with the authorities, however, and he resigned in 1915. After the war, he spent time in vigorous campaigning against immigration, America's entry into the League of Nations and on many other issues, in all of which he was highly controversial. Nevertheless, he retained his interest in the newspaper-machinery business, remaining President of his company until 1935 and Chairman of the Board thereafter. In 1934 he became Chairman of the NRA Code Authority of the newspaper-machine industry.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1939, New York Times (10 April). Obituary, 1939, New York Herald Tribune (10 April).

    Biographical history of technology > Wood, Henry Alexander Wise

  • 7 Arnold, Aza

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 4 October 1788 Smithfield, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA
    d. 1865 Washington, DC, USA
    American textile machinist who applied the differential motion to roving frames, solving the problem of winding on the delicate cotton rovings.
    He was the son of Benjamin and Isabel Arnold, but his mother died when he was 2 years old and after his father's second marriage he was largely left to look after himself. After attending the village school he learnt the trade of a carpenter, and following this he became a machinist. He entered the employment of Samuel Slater, but left after a few years to engage in the unsuccessful manufacture of woollen blankets. He became involved in an engineering shop, where he devised a machine for taking wool off a carding machine and making it into endless slivers or rovings for spinning. He then became associated with a cotton-spinning mill, which led to his most important invention. The carded cotton sliver had to be reduced in thickness before it could be spun on the final machines such as the mule or the waterframe. The roving, as the mass of cotton fibres was called at this stage, was thin and very delicate because it could not be twisted to give strength, as this would not allow it to be drawn out again during the next stage. In order to wind the roving on to bobbins, the speed of the bobbin had to be just right but the diameter of the bobbin increased as it was filled. Obtaining the correct reduction in speed as the circumference increased was partially solved by the use of double-coned pulleys, but the driving belt was liable to slip owing to the power that had to be transmitted.
    The final solution to the problem came with the introduction of the differential drive with bevel gears or a sun-and-planet motion. Arnold had invented this compound motion in 1818 but did not think of applying it to the roving frame until 1820. It combined the direct-gearing drive from the main shaft of the machine with that from the cone-drum drive so that the latter only provided the difference between flyer and bobbin speeds, which meant that most of the transmission power was taken away from the belt. The patent for this invention was issued to Arnold on 23 January 1823 and was soon copied in Britain by Henry Houldsworth, although J.Green of Mansfield may have originated it independendy in the same year. Arnold's patent was widely infringed in America and he sued the Proprietors of the Locks and Canals, machine makers for the Lowell manufacturers, for $30,000, eventually receiving $3,500 compensation. Arnold had his own machine shop but he gave it up in 1838 and moved the Philadelphia, where he operated the Mulhausen Print Works. Around 1850 he went to Washington, DC, and became a patent attorney, remaining as such until his death. On 24 June 1856 he was granted patent for a self-setting and self-raking saw for sawing machines.
    28 June 1856, US patent no. 15,163 (self-setting and self-raking saw for sawing machines).
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. 1.
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (a description of the principles of the differential gear applied to the roving frame).
    D.J.Jeremy, 1981, Transatlantic Industrial Revolution. The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain and America, 1790–1830, Oxford (a discussion of the introduction and spread of Arnold's gear).

    Biographical history of technology > Arnold, Aza

  • 8 Houldsworth, Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 1797 Manchester (?), England
    d. 1868 Manchester (?), England
    English cotton spinner who introduced the differential gear to roving frames in Britain.
    There are two claimants for the person who originated the differential gear as applied to roving frames: one is J.Green, a tinsmith of Mansfield, in his patent of 1823; the other is Arnold, who had applied it in America and patented it in early 1823. This latter was the source for Houldsworth's patent in 1826. It seems that Arnold's gearing was secretly communicated to Houldsworth by Charles Richmond, possibly when Houldsworth visited the United States in 1822–3, but more probably in 1825 when Richmond went to England. In return, Richmond received information about parts of a cylinder printing machine from Houldsworth. In the working of the roving frame, as the rovings were wound onto their bobbins and the diameter of the bobbins increased, the bobbin speed had to be reduced to keep the winding on at the same speed while the flyers and drawing rollers had to maintain their initial speed. Although this could be achieved by moving the driving belt along coned pulleys, this method did not provide enough power and slippage occurred. The differential gear combined the direct drive from the main shaft of the roving frame with that from the cone drive, so that only the latter provided the dif-ference between flyer and bobbin speeds, i.e. the winding speeds, thus taking away most of the power from that belt. Henry Houldsworth Senior (1774–1853) was living in Manchester when his son Henry was born, but by 1800 had moved to Glasgow. He built several mills, including a massive one at Anderston, Scotland, in which a Boulton \& Watt steam engine was installed. Henry Houldsworth Junior was probably back in Manchester by 1826, where he was to become an influential cotton spinner as chief partner in his mills, which he moved out to Reddish in 1863–5. He was also a prominent landowner in Cheetham. When William Fairbairn was considering establishing the Association for the Prevention of Steam Boiler Explosions in 1854, he wanted to find an influential manufacturer and mill-owner and he made a happy choice when he turned to Henry Houldsworth for assistance.
    1826, British patent no. 5,316 (differential gear for roving frames).
    Further Reading
    Details about Henry Houldsworth Junior are very sparse. The best account of his acquisition of the differential gear is given by D.J.Jeremy, 1981, Transatlantic Industrial Revolution. The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain and America, 1790–1830, Oxford.
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (an explanation of the mechanisms of the roving frame).
    W.Pole, 1877, The Life of Sir William Fairbairn, Bart., London (provides an account of the beginning of the Manchester Steam Users' Association for the Prevention of Steam-boiler Explosions).

    Biographical history of technology > Houldsworth, Henry

  • 9 measure

    1. noun
    1) (an instrument for finding the size, amount etc of something: a glass measure for liquids; a tape-measure.) medida
    2) (a unit: The metre is a measure of length.) medida
    3) (a system of measuring: dry/liquid/square measure.) medida
    4) (a plan of action or something done: We must take (= use, or put into action) certain measures to stop the increase in crime.) medida
    5) (a certain amount: a measure of sympathy.) grado, cantidad
    6) ((in music) the musical notes contained between two bar lines.) compás, ritmo

    2. verb
    1) (to find the size, amount etc of (something): He measured the table.) medir
    2) (to show the size, amount etc of: A thermometer measures temperature.) medir
    3) ((with against, besides etc) to judge in comparison with: She measured her skill in cooking against her friend's.) evaluar
    4) (to be a certain size: This table measures two metres by one metre.) medir
    - beyond measure
    - for good measure
    - full measure
    - made to measure
    - measure out
    - measure up

    measure1 n medida
    measure2 vb medir / tomar las medidas
    1 (system) medida
    3 (ruler) regla
    4 (measured amount, unit) medida
    5 (amount, degree, extent) grado, cantidad nombre femenino
    6 (method, step, remedy) medida, disposición nombre femenino
    7 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (bar) compás nombre masculino, ritmo
    1 (area, object, etc) medir
    2 (person) tomar las medidas de
    3 figurative use (assess) evaluar; (consider carefully) sopesar, pensar bien
    1 (be) medir
    beyond measure inconmensurable, inconmensurablemente
    for good measure para que no falte
    half measures medias tintas
    in large measure en gran parte, en gran medida
    in some measure hasta cierto punto, en cierta medida
    to give somebody full measure dar la medida exacta a alguien
    to give somebody short measure dar de menos a alguien
    to have the measure of somebody tener calado,-a a alguien
    to make something to measure hacer algo a (la) medida
    to take measures tomar medidas, adoptar medidas
    measure ['mɛʒər, 'meɪ-] v, - sured ; - suring : medir
    he measured the table: midió la mesa
    it measures 15 feet tall: mide 15 pies de altura
    1) amount: medida f, cantidad f
    in large measure: en gran medida
    a full measure: una cantidad exacta
    a measure of proficiency: una cierta competencia
    for good measure: de ñapa, por añadidura
    2) dimensions, size: medida f, tamaño m
    3) ruler: regla f
    tape measure: cinta métrica
    4) measurement: medida f
    cubic measure: medida de capacidad
    5) measuring: medición f
    6) measures npl
    : medidas fpl
    security measures: medidas de seguridad
    cantidad s.f.
    gestión s.f.
    grado s.m.
    ley s.f.
    medida s.f.
    medio s.m.
    proyecto de ley s.m.
    regla s.f.
    tasa s.f.
    aforar v.
    graduar v.
    medir v.
    recorrer v.
    tallar v.
    tantear v.
    'meʒər, 'meʒə(r)
    a) u ( system) medida f
    b) c ( unit) medida f, unidad f
    c) c u ( amount) cantidad f

    in large o great o no small measure — (frml) en gran medida, en gran parte

    for good measure: take two for good measure — lleva dos por si acaso or para que no vaya a faltar

    d) c u ( size) (BrE) medida f

    to have the measure of somebody: fortunately I had his measure o the measure of him — por suerte yo ya lo tenía calado (fam)

    2) c ( device) medida f
    3) c ( step) medida f

    to take measures to + inf — tomar medidas para + inf

    4) (AmE Mus) compás m

    1) \<\<length/speed/waist\>\> medir*; \<\<weight\>\> pesar
    2) ( assess) calcular, evaluar*

    vi medir*

    what does it measure? — ¿cuánto mide?

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=system) medida f

    liquid/dry measure — medida para líquidos/áridos

    beyond measure —

    - have the measure of sb
    2) (=measuring device) (=rule) metro m ; (=glass) probeta f graduada; tape 3.
    3) (=indication) indicativo m
    4) (=amount measured) cantidad f

    to give (sb) good or full measure — dar la medida exacta (a algn)

    for good measure —

    5) (=step) medida f
    6) (=extent)

    in some measure — hasta cierto punto, en cierta medida

    7) [of spirits] cantidad f ; (sold in pub) medida f
    8) (Mus) (=beat) ritmo m ; (=bar) compás m
    2. VT
    1) [+ object, speed, length, width, height] medir; [+ person] (for height) medir; (for clothes) tomar las medidas a

    how can you measure success? — ¿cómo puedes medir el éxito?

    to measure one's length (on the floor/ground) — caerse todo lo largo que se es (al suelo)

    word 1., 1)
    2) (=compare)

    to measure sth/sb against sth/sb — comparar algo/a algn con algo/algn

    the competition will be a chance for him to measure himself against the best — la competición será una ocasión para medirse con los mejores


    what does it measure? — ¿cuánto mide?

    * * *
    ['meʒər, 'meʒə(r)]
    a) u ( system) medida f
    b) c ( unit) medida f, unidad f
    c) c u ( amount) cantidad f

    in large o great o no small measure — (frml) en gran medida, en gran parte

    for good measure: take two for good measure — lleva dos por si acaso or para que no vaya a faltar

    d) c u ( size) (BrE) medida f

    to have the measure of somebody: fortunately I had his measure o the measure of him — por suerte yo ya lo tenía calado (fam)

    2) c ( device) medida f
    3) c ( step) medida f

    to take measures to + inf — tomar medidas para + inf

    4) (AmE Mus) compás m

    1) \<\<length/speed/waist\>\> medir*; \<\<weight\>\> pesar
    2) ( assess) calcular, evaluar*

    vi medir*

    what does it measure? — ¿cuánto mide?

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > measure

  • 10 Chapelon, André

    b. 26 October 1892 Saint-Paul-en-Cornillon, Loire, France
    d. 29 June 1978 Paris, France
    French locomotive engineer who developed high-performance steam locomotives.
    Chapelon's technical education at the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris, was interrupted by extended military service during the First World War. From experience of observing artillery from the basket of a captive balloon, he developed a method of artillery fire control which was more accurate than that in use and which was adopted by the French army.
    In 1925 he joined the motive-power and rolling-stock department of the Paris-Orléans Railway under Chief Mechanical Engineer Maurice Lacoin and was given the task of improving the performance of its main-line 4–6–2 locomotives, most of them compounds. He had already made an intensive study of steam locomotive design and in 1926 introduced his Kylchap exhaust system, based in part on the earlier work of the Finnish engineer Kyläla. Chapelon improved the entrainment of the hot gases in the smokebox by the exhaust steam and so minimized back pressure in the cylinders, increasing the power of a locomotive substantially. He also greatly increased the cross-sectional area of steam passages, used poppet valves instead of piston valves and increased superheating of steam. PO (Paris-Orléans) 4–6–2s rebuilt on these principles from 1929 onwards proved able to haul 800-ton trains, in place of the previous 500-ton trains, and to do so to accelerated schedules with reduced coal consumption. Commencing in 1932, some were converted, at the time of rebuilding, into 4–8–0s to increase adhesive weight for hauling heavy trains over the steeply graded Paris-Toulouse line.
    Chapelon's principles were quickly adopted on other French railways and elsewhere.
    H.N. Gresley was particularly influenced by them. After formation of the French National Railways (SNCF) in 1938, Chapelon produced in 1941 a prototype rebuilt PO 2–10–0 freight locomotive as a six-cylinder compound, with four low-pressure cylinders to maximize expansive use of steam and with all cylinders steam-jacketed to minimize heat loss by condensation and radiation. War conditions delayed extended testing until 1948–52. Meanwhile Chapelon had, by rebuilding, produced in 1946 a high-powered, three-cylinder, compound 4–8–4 intended as a stage in development of a proposed range of powerful and thermally efficient steam locomotives for the postwar SNCF: a high-speed 4–6–4 in this range was to run at sustained speeds of 125 mph (200 km/h). However, plans for improved steam locomotives were then overtaken in France by electriflcation and dieselization, though the performance of the 4–8–4, which produced 4,000 hp (3,000 kW) at the drawbar for the first time in Europe, prompted modification of electric locomotives, already on order, to increase their power.
    Chapelon retired from the SNCF in 1953, but continued to act as a consultant. His principles were incorporated into steam locomotives built in France for export to South America, and even after the energy crisis of 1973 he was consulted on projects to build improved, high-powered steam locomotives for countries with reserves of cheap coal. The eventual fall in oil prices brought these to an end.
    1938, La Locomotive à vapeur, Paris: J.B.Bailière (a comprehensive summary of contemporary knowledge of every function of the locomotive).
    Further Reading
    H.C.B.Rogers, 1972, Chapelon, Genius of French Steam, Shepperton: Ian Allan.
    1986, "André Chapelon, locomotive engineer: a survey of his work", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 58 (a symposium on Chapelon's work).
    Obituary, 1978, Railway Engineer (September/October) (makes reference to the technical significance of Chapelon's work).

    Biographical history of technology > Chapelon, André

  • 11 Bedson, George

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 3 November 1820 Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England
    d. 12 December 1884 Manchester (?), England
    English metallurgist, inventor of the continuous rolling mill.
    He acquired a considerable knowledge of wire-making in his father's works before he took a position in 1839 at the works of James Edleston at Warrington. From there, in 1851, he went to Manchester as Manager of Richard Johnson \& Sons' wire mill, where he remained for the rest of his life. It was there that he initiated several important improvements in the manufacture of wire. These included a system of circulating puddling furnace water bottoms and sides, and a galvanizing process. His most important innovation, however, was the continuous mill for producing iron rod for wiredrawing. Previously the red-hot iron billets had to be handled repeatedly through a stand or set of rolls to reduce the billet to the required shape, with time and heat being lost at each handling. In Bedson's continuous mill, the billet entered the first of a succession of stands placed as closely to each other as possible and emerged from the final one as rod suitable for wiredrawing, without any intermediate handling. A second novel feature was that alternate rolls were arranged vertically to save turning the piece manually through a right angle. That improved the quality as well as the speed of production. Bedson's first continuous mill was erected in Manchester in 1862 and had sixteen stands in tandem. A mill on this principle had been patented the previous year by Charles While of Pontypridd, South Wales, but it was Bedson who made it work and brought it into use commercially. A difficult problem to overcome was that as the piece being rolled lengthened, its speed increased, so that each pair of rolls had to increase correspondingly. The only source of power was a steam engine working a single drive shaft, but Bedson achieved the greater speeds by using successively larger gear-wheels at each stand.
    Bedson's first mill was highly successful, and a second one was erected at the Manchester works; however, its application was limited to the production of small bars, rods and sections. Nevertheless, Bedson's mill established an important principle of rolling-mill design that was to have wider applications in later years.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1884, Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute 27:539–40. W.K.V.Gale, 1969, Iron and Steel, London: Longmans, pp. 81–2.

    Biographical history of technology > Bedson, George

  • 12 Herbert, Edward Geisler

    b. 23 March 1869 Dedham, near Colchester, Essex, England
    d. 9 February 1938 West Didsbury, Manchester, England
    English engineer, inventor of the Rapidor saw and the Pendulum Hardness Tester, and pioneer of cutting tool research.
    Edward Geisler Herbert was educated at Nottingham High School in 1876–87, and at University College, London, in 1887–90, graduating with a BSc in Physics in 1889 and remaining for a further year to take an engineering course. He began his career as a premium apprentice at the Nottingham works of Messrs James Hill \& Co, manufacturers of lace machinery. In 1892 he became a partner with Charles Richardson in the firm of Richardson \& Herbert, electrical engineers in Manchester, and when this partnership was dissolved in 1895 he carried on the business in his own name and began to produce machine tools. He remained as Managing Director of this firm, reconstituted in 1902 as a limited liability company styled Edward G.Herbert Ltd, until his retirement in 1928. He was joined by Charles Fletcher (1868–1930), who as joint Managing Director contributed greatly to the commercial success of the firm, which specialized in the manufacture of small machine tools and testing machinery.
    Around 1900 Herbert had discovered that hacksaw machines cut very much quicker when only a few teeth are in operation, and in 1902 he patented a machine which utilized this concept by automatically changing the angle of incidence of the blade as cutting proceeded. These saws were commercially successful, but by 1912, when his original patents were approaching expiry, Herbert and Fletcher began to develop improved methods of applying the rapid-saw concept. From this work the well-known Rapidor and Manchester saws emerged soon after the First World War. A file-testing machine invented by Herbert before the war made an autographic record of the life and performance of the file and brought him into close contact with the file and tool steel manufacturers of Sheffield. A tool-steel testing machine, working like a lathe, was introduced when high-speed steel had just come into general use, and Herbert became a prominent member of the Cutting Tools Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1919, carrying out many investigations for that body and compiling four of its Reports published between 1927 and 1933. He was the first to conceive the idea of the "tool-work" thermocouple which allowed cutting tool temperatures to be accurately measured. For this advance he was awarded the Thomas Hawksley Gold Medal of the Institution in 1926.
    His best-known invention was the Pendulum Hardness Tester, introduced in 1923. This used a spherical indentor, which was rolled over, rather than being pushed into, the surface being examined, by a small, heavy, inverted pendulum. The period of oscillation of this pendulum provided a sensitive measurement of the specimen's hardness. Following this work Herbert introduced his "Cloudburst" surface hardening process, in which hardened steel engineering components were bombarded by steel balls moving at random in all directions at very high velocities like gaseous molecules. This treatment superhardened the surface of the components, improved their resistance to abrasion, and revealed any surface defects. After bombardment the hardness of the superficially hardened layers increased slowly and spontaneously by a room-temperature ageing process. After his retirement in 1928 Herbert devoted himself to a detailed study of the influence of intense magnetic fields on the hardening of steels.
    Herbert was a member of several learned societies, including the Manchester Association of Engineers, the Institute of Metals, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He retained a seat on the Board of his company from his retirement until the end of his life.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Manchester Association of Engineers Butterworth Gold Medal 1923. Institution of Mechanical Engineers Thomas Hawksley Gold Medal 1926.
    E.G.Herbert obtained several British and American patents and was the author of many papers, which are listed in T.M.Herbert (ed.), 1939, "The inventions of Edward Geisler Herbert: an autobiographical note", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 141: 59–67.
    ASD / RTS

    Biographical history of technology > Herbert, Edward Geisler

  • 13 Murdock (Murdoch), William

    b. 21 August 1754 Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland
    d. 15 November 1839 Handsworth, Birmingham, England
    Scottish engineer and inventor, pioneer in coal-gas production.
    He was the third child and the eldest of three boys born to John Murdoch and Anna Bruce. His father, a millwright and joiner, spelled his name Murdock on moving to England. He was educated for some years at Old Cumnock Parish School and in 1777, with his father, he built a "wooden horse", supposed to have been a form of cycle. In 1777 he set out for the Soho manufactory of Boulton \& Watt, where he quickly found employment, Boulton supposedly being impressed by the lad's hat. This was oval and made of wood, and young William had turned it himself on a lathe of his own manufacture. Murdock quickly became Boulton \& Watt's representative in Cornwall, where there was a flourishing demand for steam-engines. He lived at Redruth during this period.
    It is said that a number of the inventions generally ascribed to James Watt are in fact as much due to Murdock as to Watt. Examples are the piston and slide valve and the sun-and-planet gearing. A number of other inventions are attributed to Murdock alone: typical of these is the oscillating cylinder engine which obviated the need for an overhead beam.
    In about 1784 he planned a steam-driven road carriage of which he made a working model. He also planned a high-pressure non-condensing engine. The model carriage was demonstrated before Murdock's friends and travelled at a speed of 6–8 mph (10–13 km/h). Boulton and Watt were both antagonistic to their employees' developing independent inventions, and when in 1786 Murdock set out with his model for the Patent Office, having received no reply to a letter he had sent to Watt, Boulton intercepted him on the open road near Exeter and dissuaded him from going any further.
    In 1785 he married Mary Painter, daughter of a mine captain. She bore him four children, two of whom died in infancy, those surviving eventually joining their father at the Soho Works. Murdock was a great believer in pneumatic power: he had a pneumatic bell-push at Sycamore House, his home near Soho. The pattern-makers lathe at the Soho Works worked for thirty-five years from an air motor. He also conceived the idea of a vacuum piston engine to exhaust a pipe, later developed by the London Pneumatic Despatch Company's railway and the forerunner of the atmospheric railway.
    Another field in which Murdock was a pioneer was the gas industry. In 1791, in Redruth, he was experimenting with different feedstocks in his home-cum-office in Cross Street: of wood, peat and coal, he preferred the last. He designed and built in the backyard of his house a prototype generator, washer, storage and distribution plant, and publicized the efficiency of coal gas as an illuminant by using it to light his own home. In 1794 or 1795 he informed Boulton and Watt of his experimental work and of its success, suggesting that a patent should be applied for. James Watt Junior was now in the firm and was against patenting the idea since they had had so much trouble with previous patents and had been involved in so much litigation. He refused Murdock's request and for a short time Murdock left the firm to go home to his father's mill. Boulton \& Watt soon recognized the loss of a valuable servant and, in a short time, he was again employed at Soho, now as Engineer and Superintendent at the increased salary of £300 per year plus a 1 per cent commission. From this income, he left £14,000 when he died in 1839.
    In 1798 the workshops of Boulton and Watt were permanently lit by gas, starting with the foundry building. The 180 ft (55 m) façade of the Soho works was illuminated by gas for the Peace of Paris in June 1814. By 1804, Murdock had brought his apparatus to a point where Boulton \& Watt were able to canvas for orders. Murdock continued with the company after the death of James Watt in 1819, but retired in 1830 and continued to live at Sycamore House, Handsworth, near Birmingham.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Society Rumford Gold Medal 1808.
    Further Reading
    S.Smiles, 1861, Lives of the Engineers, Vol. IV: Boulton and Watt, London: John Murray.
    H.W.Dickinson and R.Jenkins, 1927, James Watt and the Steam Engine, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    J.A.McCash, 1966, "William Murdoch. Faithful servant" in E.G.Semler (ed.), The Great Masters. Engineering Heritage, Vol. II, London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers/Heinemann.

    Biographical history of technology > Murdock (Murdoch), William

  • 14 Taylor, Frederick Winslow

    b. 20 March 1856 Germantown, Pennsylvania, USA
    d. 21 March 1915 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    American mechanical engineer and pioneer of scientific management.
    Frederick W.Taylor received his early education from his mother, followed by some years of schooling in France and Germany. Then in 1872 he entered Phillips Exeter Academy, New Hampshire, to prepare for Harvard Law School, as it was intended that he should follow his father's profession. However, in 1874 he had to abandon his studies because of poor eyesight, and he began an apprenticeship at a pump-manufacturing works in Philadelphia learning the trades of pattern-maker and machinist. On its completion in 1878 he joined the Midvale Steel Company, at first as a labourer but then as Shop Clerk and Foreman, finally becoming Chief Engineer in 1884. At the same time he was able to resume study in the evenings at the Stevens Institute of Technology, and in 1883 he obtained the degree of Mechanical Engineer (ME). He also found time to take part in amateur sport and in 1881 he won the tennis doubles championship of the United States.
    It was while with the Midvale Steel Company that Taylor began the systematic study of workshop management, and the application of his techniques produced significant increases in the company's output and productivity. In 1890 he became Manager of a company operating large paper mills in Maine and Wisconsin, until 1893 when he set up on his own account as a consulting engineer specializing in management organization. In 1898 he was retained exclusively by the Bethlehem Steel Company, and there continued his work on the metal-cutting process that he had started at Midvale. In collaboration with J.Maunsel White (1856–1912) he developed high-speed tool steels and their heat treatment which increased cutting capacity by up to 300 per cent. He resigned from the Bethlehem Steel Company in 1901 and devoted the remainder of his life to expounding the principles of scientific management which became known as "Taylorism". The Society to Promote the Science of Management was established in 1911, renamed the Taylor Society after his death. He was an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and was its President in 1906; his presidential address "On the Art of Cutting Metals" was reprinted in book form.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Paris Exposition Gold Medal 1900. Franklin Institute Elliott Cresson Gold Medal 1900. President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1906. Hon. ScD, University of Pennsylvania 1906. Hon. LLD, Hobart College 1912.
    F.W.Taylor was the author of about 100 patents, several papers to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, On the Art of Cutting Metals (1907, New York) and The Principles of Scientific Management (1911, New York) and, with S.E.Thompson, 1905 A Treatise on Concrete, New York, and Concrete Costs, 1912, New York.
    Further Reading
    The standard biography is Frank B.Copley, 1923, Frederick W.Taylor, Father of Scientific Management, New York (reprinted 1969, New York) and there have been numerous commentaries on his work: see, for example, Daniel Nelson, 1980, Frederick W.Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management, Madison, Wis.

    Biographical history of technology > Taylor, Frederick Winslow

  • 15 Ader, Clément

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 2 April 1841 Muret, France
    d. 3 May 1925 Toulouse, France
    French engineer who made a short "hop" in a powered aeroplane in 1890.
    Ader was a distinguished engineer and versatile inventor who was involved with electrical developments, including the telephone and air-cushion vehicles. In the field of aeronautics he became the centre of a long-lasting controversy: did he, or did he not, fly before the Wright brothers' flight of 1903? In 1882 Ader started work on his first aeroplane, the Eole (god of the winds), which was bat-like in appearance and powered by a very well-designed lightweight steam engine developing about 15 kW (20 hp). On 9 October 1890 the Eole was ready, and with Ader as pilot it increased speed over a level surface and lifted off the ground. It was airborne for about 5 seconds and covered some 50 m (164 ft), reaching a height of 20 cm (8 in.). Whether such a short hop constituted a flight has caused much discussion and argument over the years. An even greater controversy followed Ader's claim in 1906 that his third aeroplane (Avion III) had made a flight of 300 m (328 yd) in 1897. He repeated this claim in his book written in 1907, and many historians accepted his account of the "flight". C.H.Gibbs-Smith, an eminent aviation historian, investigated the Ader controversy and in his book published in 1966 came to the conclusion that the Avion III did not fly at all. Avion III was donated to the Museum of the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers in Paris, and still survives. From 1906 onwards Ader concentrated his inventive efforts elsewhere, but he did mount a successful campaign to persuade the French War Ministry to create an air force.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    In 1990 the French Government accepted him as the "Father of Aviation who gave wings to the world".
    1890, patent no. 205, 155 (included a description of the Eole).
    1907, La Première étape de l'aviation militaire en France, Paris (the most significant of his published books and articles).
    Further Reading
    C.H.Gibbs-Smith, 1968, Clément Ader: His Flight Claims and His Place in History, London.
    The centenary of Ader's 1890 flight resulted in several French publications, including: C.Carlier, 1990, L'Affaire Clément Ader: la vérité rétablie, Paris; Pierre Lissarrague, 1990, Clément Ader: inventeur d'avions, Toulouse.

    Biographical history of technology > Ader, Clément

  • 16 Fourdrinier, Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 11 February 1766 London, England
    d. 3 September 1854 Mavesyn Ridware, near Rugeley, Staffordshire, England
    English pioneer of the papermaking machine.
    Fourdrinier's father was a paper manufacturer and stationer of London, from a family of French Protestant origin. Henry took up the same trade and, with his brother Sealy (d. 1847), devoted many years to developing the papermaking machine. Their first patent was taken out in 1801, but success was still far off. A machine for making paper had been invented a few years previously by Nicolas Robert at the Didot's mill at Essonnes, south of Paris. Robert quarrelled with the Didots, who then contacted their brother-in-law in England, John Gamble, in an attempt to raise capital for a larger machine. Gamble and the Fourdriniers called in the engineer Bryan Donkin, and between them they patented a much improved machine in 1807. In the new machine, the paper pulp flowed on to a moving continuous woven wire screen and was then squeezed between rollers to remove much of the water. The paper thus formed was transferred to a felt blanket and passed through a second press to remove more water, before being wound while still wet on to a drum. For the first time, a continuous sheet of paper could be made. Other inventors soon made further improvements: in 1817 John Dickinson obtained a patent for sizing baths to improve the surface of the paper; while in 1820 Thomas Crompton patented a steam-heated drum round which the paper was passed to speed up the drying process. The development cost of £60,000 bankrupted the brothers. Although Parliament extended the patent for fourteen years, and the machine was widely adopted, they never reaped much profit from it. Tsar Alexander of Russia became interested in the papermaking machine while on a visit to England in 1814 and promised Henry Fourdrinier £700 per year for ten years for super-intending the erection of two machines in Russia; Henry carried out the work, but he received no payment. At the age of 72 he travelled to St Petersburg to seek recompense from the Tsar's successor Nicholas I, but to no avail. Eventually, on a motion in the House of Commons, the British Government awarded Fourdrinier a payment of £7,000. The paper trade, sensing the inadequacy of this sum, augmented it with a further sum which they subscribed so that an annuity could be purchased for Henry, then the only surviving brother, and his two daughters, to enable them to live in modest comfort. From its invention in ancient China (see Cai Lun), its appearance in the Middle Ages in Europe and through the first three and a half centuries of printing, every sheet of paper had to made by hand. The daily output of a hand-made paper mill was only 60–100 lb (27–45 kg), whereas the new machine increased that tenfold. Even higher speeds were achieved, with corresponding reductions in cost; the old mills could not possibly have kept pace with the new mechanical printing presses. The Fourdrinier machine was thus an essential element in the technological developments that brought about the revolution in the production of reading matter of all kinds during the nineteenth century. The high-speed, giant paper-making machines of the late twentieth century work on the same principle as the Fourdrinier of 1807.
    Further Reading
    R.H.Clapperton, 1967, The Paper-making Machine, Oxford: Pergamon Press. D.Hunter, 1947, Papermaking. The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Fourdrinier, Henry

  • 17 adjust

    1. transitive verb
    richtig [an]ordnen [Gegenstände, Gliederung]; zurechtrücken [Hut, Krawatte]; (regulate) regulieren, regeln [Geschwindigkeit, Höhe usw.]; [richtig] einstellen [Gerät, Motor, Maschine usw.]; (adapt) entsprechend ändern [Plan, Bedingungen]; angleichen [Gehalt, Lohn, Zinsen]

    adjust something [to something] — etwas [an etwas (Akk.)] anpassen od. [auf etwas (Akk.)] einstellen

    ‘do not adjust your set’ — "Störung"

    2. intransitive verb

    adjust [to something] — sich [an etwas (Akk.)] gewöhnen od. anpassen; [Gerät:] sich [auf etwas (Akk.)] einstellen lassen

    * * *
    1) ((often with to) to change so as to make or be better suited: He soon adjusted to his new way of life.) sich anpassen
    2) (to change (the position of, setting of): Adjust the setting of the alarm clock.) einstellen
    - academic.ru/736/adjustable">adjustable
    - adjustment
    * * *
    I. vt
    1. (set)
    to \adjust sth etw [richtig] einstellen [o regulieren]
    to \adjust a lever einen Hebel verstellen
    to \adjust one's clothing seine Kleidung in Ordnung bringen
    3. (tailor)
    to \adjust sth etw umändern
    to \adjust a seam (take in) einen Saum umnähen; (let out) einen Saum auslassen
    to \adjust sth to sth etw einer S. dat anpassen [o auf etw akk ausrichten]
    to \adjust oneself to sth sich akk auf etw akk einstellen
    5. (in insurance)
    to \adjust a claim einen Anspruch berechnen
    to \adjust a damage einen Schaden regulieren
    II. vi (adapt)
    to \adjust to sth sich akk an etw akk anpassen; (feel comfortable with) sich akk an etw akk gewöhnen
    to \adjust to doing sth sich akk daran gewöhnen, etw zu tun
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= set) machine, engine, carburettor, brakes, height, speed, flow etc einstellen; knob, lever (richtig) stellen; (= alter) height, speed verstellen; length of clothes ändern; (= correct, readjust) nachstellen; height, speed, flow regulieren; figures korrigieren, anpassen; formula, plan, production, exchange rates, terms (entsprechend) ändern; salaries angleichen (to an +acc); hat, tie zurechtrücken

    to adjust the lever upwards/downwards — den Hebel nach oben/unten stellen

    you have to adjust this knob to regulate the ventilation —

    he adjusted the knobs on the TV seter hat die Knöpfe am Fernsehapparat richtig gestellt

    to adjust sth to new requirements/conditions etc — etw neuen Erfordernissen/Umständen etc anpassen

    because of increased demand production will have to be appropriately adjusted — die Produktion muss auf die verstärkte Nachfrage abgestimmt werden or muss der verstärkten Nachfrage angepasst werden

    the layout can be adjusted to meet different needs —

    we adjusted all salaries upwards/downwards — wir haben alle Gehälter nach oben/unten angeglichen

    would you please adjust your dress, sir (euph)


    to adjust oneself to sth (to new country, circumstances etc)sich einer Sache (dat) anpassen; to new requirements, demands etc sich auf etw (acc) einstellen

    3) (= settle) differences beilegen, schlichten; (INSUR) claim regulieren
    2. vi
    1) (to new country, circumstances etc) sich anpassen (
    to +dat); (to new requirements, demands etc) sich einstellen (to auf +acc)
    2) (machine etc) sich einstellen lassen
    * * *
    adjust [əˈdʒʌst]
    A v/t
    1. (to) anpassen ( auch PSYCH), angleichen (beide: dat oder an akk), abstimmen (auf akk):
    adjust wages die Löhne anpassen;
    adjust o.s. (to) B 1
    2. seinen Hut, seine Krawatte etc zurechtrücken
    3. in Ordnung bringen, ordnen, regeln
    4. berichtigen, ändern
    5. Streitigkeiten beilegen, regeln, schlichten, Widersprüche, Unterschiede ausgleichen, beseitigen, bereinigen:
    adjust accounts Konten abstimmen oder bereinigen; average A 2
    a) Ansprüche regulieren
    b) einen Schaden etc berechnen:
    adjust damages den Schadensersatzanspruch festsetzen
    7. TECH (ein-, ver-, nach-, um)stellen, (ein)regeln, richten, regulieren, eine Uhr stellen, eine Schusswaffe, eine Waage etc justieren, Maße, Gewichte eichen, ELEK abgleichen
    8. MIL ein Geschütz einschießen
    B v/i
    1. (to) sich anpassen (dat oder an akk) ( auch PSYCH), sich einfügen (in akk), sich einstellen (auf akk)
    2. TECH sich einstellen lassen
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    richtig [an]ordnen [Gegenstände, Gliederung]; zurechtrücken [Hut, Krawatte]; (regulate) regulieren, regeln [Geschwindigkeit, Höhe usw.]; [richtig] einstellen [Gerät, Motor, Maschine usw.]; (adapt) entsprechend ändern [Plan, Bedingungen]; angleichen [Gehalt, Lohn, Zinsen]

    adjust something [to something] — etwas [an etwas (Akk.)] anpassen od. [auf etwas (Akk.)] einstellen

    ‘do not adjust your set’ — "Störung"

    2. intransitive verb

    adjust [to something] — sich [an etwas (Akk.)] gewöhnen od. anpassen; [Gerät:] sich [auf etwas (Akk.)] einstellen lassen

    * * *
    bereinigen (Statistiken, Zahlen) v.
    berichtigen v.
    einstellen v.
    justieren v.
    korrigieren v.

    English-german dictionary > adjust

  • 18 increase

    1. [ʹıŋkri:s] n
    1. увеличение, возрастание, рост, умножение

    increase of /in/ population - рост /увеличение/ численности населения

    with the increase of years - с возрастом, с годами

    to be on the increase - расти, увеличиваться

    2. прирост; прибавление

    the population showed an increase of 10 per cent - прирост населения составил десять процентов

    to get an increase of /in/ pay - получить прибавку (к жалованию /к зарплате/)

    2. [ınʹkri:s] v
    1. 1) увеличивать, повышать, усиливать

    to increase the lead - спорт. закреплять преимущество

    2) увеличиваться, повышаться; возрастать, расти; усиливаться

    to increase in number - увеличиться /возрастать/ численно

    to increase in size - увеличиться в размере, расти

    2. размножаться

    НБАРС > increase

  • 19 Koenig, Friedrich

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 17 April 1774 Eisleben, Thuringia, Germany
    d. 17 January 1833 Oberzell, near Würzburg, Germany
    German inventor of the machine printing press.
    Koenig became a printer and bookseller. Around 1800 he was among those who conceived the idea of mechanizing the hand printing press, which apart from minor details had survived virtually unchanged through the first three and a half centuries of printing. In 1803, in Sühl, Saxony, he designed a press in which the flat forme, carrying the type, was mechanically inked and passed to and from the platen. Whether this ma-chine was ever constructed is not known, but Koenig found little support for his ideas because of lack of technical and financial resources. So, in 1806, he went to England and was introduced to Thomas Bensley, a book printer off Fleet Street in London. Bensley agreed to support Koenig and brought in two other printers to help finance Koenig's experiments. Another German, Andreas Bauer, an engineer, assisted Koenig and became largely responsible for the practical execution of Koenig's plans.
    In 1810 they patented a press which was steam-driven but still used a platen. It was set to work in Bensley's office the following year but did not prove to be satisfactory. Koenig redesigned it, and in October 1811 he obtained a patent for a steam-driven press on an entirely new principle. In place of the platen, the paper was fixed around a hollow rotating cylinder, which impressed the paper on to the inked forme. In Bensley's office it was used for book printing, but its increased speed over the hand press appealed to newspaper proprietors and John Walter II of The Times asked Koenig to make a double-cylinder machine, so that the return stroke of the forme would be productive. A further patent was taken out in 1813 and the new machine was made ready to print the 29 November 1814 issue—in secrecy, behind closed doors, to forestall opposition from the pressmen working the hand presses. An important feature of the machine was that the inking rollers were not of the traditional leather or skin but a composite material made from glue, molasses and some soda. The inking could not have been achieved satisfactorily with the old materials. The editorial of that historic issue proclaimed, 'Our Journal of this day presents to the public the practical result of the greatest improvement connected with printing, since the discovery of the art itself Koenig's machine press could make 1,200 impressions an hour compared to 200 with the hand press; further improvements raised this figure to 1,500–2,000. Koenig's last English patent was in 1814 for an improved cylinder machine and a perfecting machine, which printed both sides of the paper. The steam-driven perfecting press was printing books in Bensley's office in February 1816. Koenig and Bauer wanted by that time to manufacture machine presses for other customers, but Bensley, now the principal shareholder, insisted that they should make machines for his benefit only. Finding this restriction intolerable, Koenig and Bauer returned to Germany: they became partners in a factory at Oberzell, near Würzburg, in 1817 and the firm of Koenig and Bauer flourishes there to this day.
    Further Reading
    J.Moran, 1973, Printing Presses, London: Faber \& Faber.

    Biographical history of technology > Koenig, Friedrich

  • 20 Lippman, Gabriel

    b. 16 August 1845 Hallerick, Luxembourg
    d. 14 July 1921 at sea, in the North Atlantic
    French physicist who developed interference colour photography.
    Born of French parents, Lippman's work began with a distinguished career in classics, philosophy, mathematics and physics at the Ecole Normale in Luxembourg. After further studies in physics at Heidelberg University, he returned to France and the Sorbonne, where he was in 1886 appointed Director of Physics. He was a leading pioneer in France of research into electricity, optics, heat and other branches of physics.
    In 1886 he conceived the idea of recording the existence of standing waves in light when it is reflected back on itself, by photographing the colours so produced. This required the production of a photographic emulsion that was effectively grainless: the individual silver halide crystals had to be smaller than the shortest wavelength of light to be recorded. Lippman succeeded in this and in 1891 demonstrated his process. A glass plate was coated with a grainless emulsion and held in a special plate-holder, glass towards the lens. The back of the holder was filled with mercury, which provided a perfect reflector when in contact with the emulsion. The standing waves produced during the exposure formed laminae in the emulsion, with the number of laminae being determined by the wavelength of the incoming light at each point on the image. When the processed plate was viewed under the correct lighting conditions, a theoretically exact reproduction of the colours of the original subject could be seen. However, the Lippman process remained a beautiful scientific demonstration only, since the ultra-fine-grain emulsion was very slow, requiring exposure times of over 10,000 times that of conventional negative material. Any method of increasing the speed of the emulsion also increased the grain size and destroyed the conditions required for the process to work.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Photographic Society Progress Medal 1897. Nobel Prize (for his work in interference colour photography) 1908.
    Further Reading
    J.S.Friedman, 1944, History of Colour Photography, Boston.
    Brian Coe, 1978, Colour Photography: The First Hundred Years, London. Gert Koshofer, 1981, Farbfotografie, Vol. I, Munich.

    Biographical history of technology > Lippman, Gabriel

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